What email address do the Send On Behalf Of (SOBO) emails come from?
Tezi creates a new, unique email address, such as [email protected], for each user you’re sending on behalf of. This spares your inbox from additional clutter and allows Max to follow up immediately on candidate responses.
Am I responsible for handling the replies?
Nope! Max replies to any responses and will advance the interested candidates to the next stage of the process.
Do I see the messages before they go out?
Max automatically sends SOBO emails based on the templates you establish. If you’re curious to see what emails Max sent, you can always find them in the activity feed associated with any candidate in the Pipeline view.
What about follow-ups?
Max will send two follow-ups from the SOBO email address according to the timing you defined, typically one after 2 days and another after 8 days. This is only if a prospect hasn't replied yet.
How does Max get introduced into the conversation?
At the bottom of each SOBO email, we let candidates know Max is CC’d and will follow up with them if they’re interested in moving forward, just like human recruiters typically do with recruiting coordinators.
What if I want to change the volume or content of the SOBO emails?
You can update the sourcing volume, email templates, or even who Max is SOBO-ing by using Command+K or searching in the top left nav for tasks like "Edit sourcing emails…" or "Adjust outreach volume…".
How can I see which candidates were contacted?
All sourced candidates appear in your pipeline’s “Top of Funnel” section, along with the sourcing date, content, and any further correspondence.
How do I start a brand new email sourcing campaign using SOBO?
Use Command+K, Search, or find the task on the Task tab called "Reach out to [JobTitle]". This will initiate the flow for starting a sourcing campaign. Max will guide you through it.
How do I change the sender on a pre-existing email sourcing campaign?
Use Command+K, Search, or ask Max to "Edit my sourcing email content for [JobTitle]".
Then, tell Max you want to revise the email content to come from you instead.
Max will collect your job title so it can reference that and update the initial sourcing email.
Confirm the email content still makes sense coming from you rather than Max. Direct Max about any further edits.
Tell Max to change the sender on the follow-up emails as well to finish up the task.
Max will default to sending from [email protected]. If you'd like to SOBO as someone else, let Max know. Also, ask that person for permission to SOBO as them.